Anti Relena


Rant and Rave


Random Insanity

Tournament of Stupidity


Heero's Lair

Duo's Funland

Trowa's Section

Quatre's Place

Wufei's Realm

Relena's Photo Album


Guest Book

The Docks


Relena's Gallery
Guess what I found in Relena's room!
No, nothing illegal. Just a little Barbie photo album. It only has seven pictures in it, but here they are!

Relena with her bangs so poofy...
Relena's jumping off a curb. Her feet are big, and her bangs look like marshmallows stuck together. I hope she falls and scrapes her knees!

And she claims to be a pacifist!
Heero, you have my permission to blast 'er brains out!

See!?!?!?!? She really IS stalking him! Run, Heero, run! Run for your life!

More proof!
We found this written on the back of this photo: "I took it when he wasn't looking. I took it when he wasn't looking. I took it when he wasn't looking. I took it when he wasn't looking. I took it when he wasn't looking." It's REALLY creeping us out.

Hey, kids, can you say "doctored photo?"
Heero has better taste than that. He would NEVER dance with somebody THAT ugly!

Relena's cheating!
Even when Relena cheats, she loses!

Yeah! Go, Duo!
"OK, Relena, hold real still. I wouldn't wanna hit Heero."